21 Day Complaint Free Challenge
Fish discover water last - French proverb. When we are immersed in something we are oblivious we are there. It's only when we are pulled out of it, that we realize how immersed we are...
So then.... What ARE we immersed in?
We are immersed in our idea of reality, our stories about what it means to live in this world, our bills, our day to day to do lists, the things we were told were true from our families, culture, communities, all our what we believe is the truth in our minds, our day to day thoughts, all of it. We are immersed in our own awareness that is quite often shaded by automatic voices and ideas that are not actually come from our true selves. Check out this video that Michelle Theoret from Get Empowered Yoga recommend that we check out.
In a world that is already filled with much darkness...
I am committing to do my part to bring the light, so today I'm committing to stop complaining for the next 21 days to take a deep breath and literally pull myself out of myself, like #rumi once said, wash myself of my self .
The world could use a little less complaining and more people operating from love.
I'm going to practise becoming more conscious of what I am saying, I'm committing to being more patient (with myself and the world) more positive and more accepting. I've read that most people complain, gossip and criticize people, themselves and the world at least 20-30 times a day. That can get tiring quickly and could leave you feeling down, overwhelmed and anxious about life. Today, I choose love over everything else. Good Vibes Only. Please feel free to join me on this 21/day experiment.
This was inspired by Will Bowen's work. You can head over to his website to get yourself officially on this challenge. http://www.willbowen.com/
Why people complain summarized
GRIPEGet attention. Remove responsibility (remove yourself from trying) Inspire Envy (complain to brag) Power (to build alliances, to have people on their side, Excuse poor performance (they messed it up, blame everything but themselves)
Learn more about the challenge if you really want to dive in. From Will Bowen who is really taking this on globally. http://www.willbowen.com/
Big love,