Last year I BLOOMED... which allowed my mind, body, spirit, SOUL to open
Every once in a while we hear incredible life altering stories about our guests who have attended BLOOM in the past.
One day we ran into Kendra who we always see around town but never had a chance to chat. She came up to us and was almost in tears as she explained to us the impact that BLOOM 2014 had on her life. We asked her to share her story and so here it is. Enjoy!
I bloomed!
Last year, October 2014, I attended the Edmonton Bloom Festival. Bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to dive in, recharge and receive anything and everything. No expectations, just an eagerness for what may happen.
Wow. What happened? From all the heart opening, mind awakening, and soul bonding, I feel as though my purpose became evidently more clear. Opportunities arose and without hesitation, saying "yes" felt right and light with energetic enthusiasm. Long story short (and it is quite the story), During bloom, I said yes to happily attend a yoga retreat held in Costa Rica for the upcoming January.
This retreat, changed. Everything. I found purpose, bliss and wow, I found love. Love for the culture, the country, the fresh fruits, a profound sense of place for me to thrive and ignite my calling. And of course, I found a soulmate, Pablo.
Now, five months later, I have started my own raw food treat business called "Healthy Sin", have tapped into my health coaching and am coaching others to find their truest potential, and am able to see the love of my life, Pablo everyday. I have no regrets. This is where I'm meant to be.
Attending bloom, I honestly feel I allowed my mind, body, spirit, SOUL to open and truly allow myself to see clearly the direction I am meant to head.
Everything became so clear. Beautiful people, beautiful minds, beautiful words and movement . We created magic. And I believe in magic. Thank you Bloom.