Meet BLOOM’s Youth Partner: WE Stand.
BLOOM’s Youth Partner: WE Stand. Get good at being you, so that you can give it away.
It’s a clear mission, striking right to the heart of WE Stand’s movement.
It’s also a shared cause. One that has brought WE Stand and BLOOM together in partnership, shaped around common goals. For our efforts are so aligned. So important.
While BLOOM is asking us to Return to Love in 2015, WE Stand is asking us to… lead life, create a better world. Two simple messages, needed to be heard.
Waiting to be heard.
In 2014, when WE Stand launched its leadership summit in Edmonton, we had no idea that within a year we would be reaching thousands of people, and growing to operate in China and India. But the audience has been so receptive. So captivated.
Lead life, create a better world.
The movement has been swift. Powerful, as more and more grab onto the notion that we all have a purpose, bigger than ourselves. A purpose that needs to be uncovered, dusted off, lifted up, fully expressed.
WE Stand aims at that purpose. As does BLOOM. That’s why the synergies between WE Stand and BLOOM are so strong. So clear. Both work to connect one to another, to focus energy to the greater good, to prompt reflection, introspection, conscious living, and to help people make good decisions that take the best for humanity into consideration.
Two organizations, fully aligned. Elevating each other, as our work continues. For it does…
Up next for WE Stand is a new program, WE Stand. WE Go. a leadership and service opportunity for students to take what they have learned… on the road. WE Stand is traveling to India to connect with local communities in an effort to share and learn from one another. The work will focus on securing clean water for villages, setting up micro-finance loans and supporting women’s groups who are unifying to lift their families out of poverty.
Yet, the benefit is not one sided. While WE Stand is excited to have students, at such a young age, take the opportunity to travel such great distances to give back through their skills, interests and talents. We also know these students will have much to learn from the people of India. Big lessons. Life lessons… on community, connection and courage.
The types of lessons that BLOOM is bringing to our door, here to our community.
As you can see, WE Stand is excited to align with BLOOM. We ask for you to align as well. The mission remains clear, get good at being you, so that you can give it away.
We are so excited for BLOOM 2015. See you there.
Carla Cuglietta
Visionary and Co-Founder of WE Stand