Nothing trumps caring about people.

Nothing trumps caring about people.

Nothing trumps supporting people.

We have seen the ripple effect of how one negative event can lead us to riots and shootings and even more hate and more sadness. Even sharing more negative responses on social media only lights the fire to even more of just that.   If you want to make a difference start with kindness, caring and support.

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bloom yoga edmonton

I believe that the smallest act of kindness can have a ripple effect and impact millions.

Being kind, or being nice consistently, isn’t always easy, we live in a fast world. And its in our relationship with time that we end up feeling that we don’t have time to extend our kindness, we end up care-less, pre-occupied with ourselves when our relationship with time is off. So that is a great place to start, we have total control of our relationship to time, which totally impacts how we live our days.

How can you use your time to create more space for you to be  more open to sharing yourselves more with others and the world?

Take time to be present with people and be kind, take time to help others and support their journey.

Most people don’t take that time, for most people time is a race they are running, and in that kindness often gets thrown by the waste side, they don’t ask for support, and they tell themselves they are too busy to give it (care). If you want to go far, successful, be happy, not just in a moment but long term, then we need to do this together, you and me, us and them, 

we are all in this together. 

Wondering what you can do to make a difference?

Look around you, and find ways to be more present with the people in your life.

Extend yourself more.

Care more, support more, love more.

It is through supporting others, we grow.

It is in caring for the other that you actualize yourself.

The writer grows in caring for her/his ideas. The entrepreneur grows in caring for her business. Parent grows in caring for his child. Teacher grows in caring for his/her student. The athlete or artist grows in caring for his/her abilities.

Take time to be present with people and be kind, take time to help others and support their journey.

Most people don’t take that time...for most people time is a race they are running, and in that, kindness often gets thrown by the waste side, they don’t ask for support, and they tell themselves they are too busy to give support and kindness and we are left with a world as it is.

Let's move it forward. Let's serve more, let's care more, lets love more.

If you want to go far, be successful, be happy, not just in a moment, but long term, then we need to do this together, you and me, us and them, we are all in this together.

Big Love


Robindra & Myrah


Meet Janet Stone


On being authentic...